RJ 28/07/1986 Monday

RJ 28/07/1986 Monday We got back from Friburgo today. Maira and I argued last night for very little. We were playing cards, then I said something, Maira mumbled something, I answered back and then we stopped. We haven’t spoken today. She says something offensive, then we react and then she says ‘I was only joking, … Read more

RJ 24/07/1986 Thursday

RJ 24/07/1986 Thursday I felt like a monster today. I slept at Maira’s and in the middle of the night Gabriel started to cry and scream around the house. He did this for about 10 minutes, until Maira turned up. In the meantime I had the most awful thoughts while he cried! I imagined myself … Read more

RJ 22/07/1986 Tuesday

RJ 22/07/1986 Tuesday The weather had turned. It rains all day and it’s cold. Romantic weather, but I don’t think anyone interesting will turn up. Wagner, Rita’s son, is attractive. Whenever I come here we exchange meaningful looks, but he’s been away and I only saw him once, from afar. Maira, Ana (Maira’s friend) and … Read more

RJ 20/07/1986 Sunday

RJ 20/07/1986 Sunday I was gently forced to stay at Maira’s, for the 3rd night! I feel better at Zezé’s but it seems she prefers I stay at Maira’s, because when Maira said ‘let’s go to mine, Lelé?’, annoying Zezé just said ‘Make sure you have a shower while you are there, ok?’ without giving … Read more

RJ 19/07/1986 Saturday

RJ 19/07/1986 Saturday On Friday evening Maria, Gabriel and I went to a party at Gina’s (she’s Maira’s childhood friend). I didn’t really know anyone. Jeison went to a bar with friends and didn’t have a set time to pick us up. I met Fabio, a nice guy, we were talking for about 30 minutes, … Read more