RJ 10/01/1987 Saturday

RJ 10/01/1987 Saturday Went to the beach yesterday and today. Today Maira and I were walking on the beach when, suddenly, I saw Marcelo Buarque, Fabio and some other kid from Brasilia. Marcelo and Fabio used to live in Brasilia but moved here. I got a fright, never expected this to happen! Yesterday was a … Read more

RJ 08/01/1987 Thursday

RJ 08/01/1987 Thursday Man, I can’t take it anymore! It’s the heat, it’s Gabriel screaming all day long… Ouch my ears! It’s so hot I can’t sleep, it’s the same temperature day and night. I sit down and sweat, as soon as I stand still my face is wet. Showers are always cold, minimum clothing … Read more

RJ 05/01/1987 Monday

RJ 05/01/1987 Monday Heeeelooooo! Yesterday afternoon me, Maira, my mum, grandad and Zaira went out for lunch, at Gondoleiro, Barra da Tijuca, for a change. We go there every year. The first bank robbery of the year happened today, in fact there were two, 9 million cruzados were stolen. Also a Hotel was robbed. Today … Read more

RJ 02/01/1987 Friday

RJ 02/01/1987 Friday I spent the New Year in Copacabana watching the fireworks and doing the white grape charm (simpatia da uva branca – eat grapes, make wishes, or throw the seeds from the grapes and makes wishes, something along those lines). It was ok but full of old people. Didn’t really sleep as I … Read more