RJ 27/02/1988 Saturday – Umbanda

RJ 27/02/1988 Saturday – Umbanda Last night me, Maira and Gilberto went to a Umbanda Spiritual Centre, it was my first time… It was an important night, not because I discovered a fact, but for a confirmation of something. Before talking to the entity Joaquim we prayed and meditated. I entered a trance like estate … Read more

RJ 14/02/1988 Sunday – Rain and flood

RJ 14/02/1988 Sunday Monday – smoked two cigarettes, met Daniel. Tuesday – Nothing happened. Wednesday – Bought 24 Garfield cards, Luciana and Patricia called me! Thursday – went to Daniel’s house to see the kitten he found, went to Sergio’s. Friday – Most horrifying day of my life. I went to visit Ana Claudia in … Read more

RJ 10/02/1988 Wednesday – Leaving Brasilia

RJ 10/02/1988 Wednesday – Leaving Brasilia I arrived in Rio today at 8am. The goodbyes were sad and emotional. The gang went to the bus station to say goodbye. I couldn’t cry. Me and Gino travelled together and argued. Every time we argue I like him more. We argued because I accidentally burned a hole … Read more

BSB 14-02-1987 Saturday

BSB 14-02-1987 Saturday I’m back!!! We arrived last Saturday. News from the last 10 days: Rio=> 4th Feb Chris had a party at her house for her 18th birthday. Obviously Alexandre was there. We walked home: me, Alexandre, Denise, Ana Paula, Ana Silvia and 2 other girls. Alexandre hugged me and we walked together all … Read more

RJ 29/01/1987 Thursday

RJ 29/01/1987 Thursday I go home on the 6th of February, my beloved land! Every time I go away I feel that’s my place, I love it so much. Maira and Gabriel are coming too. Every time I come here I learn a lot and store it in my brain. People here are different and … Read more