RJ 02/06/1988 Saturday

RJ 02/06/1988 Saturday Hello! I’m off to Brasilia on the 5th and as I won’t risk taking you with me this is the last time I’ll write for a while… I have a bad feeling about this trip, something is going to go wrong, but I have to go. The only thing there’s no solution … Read more

RJ 27/05/1988 Saturday

RJ 27/05/1988 Saturday What a terrible day! I never felt such anguish. I’m lost and impotent to act. They poked my deepest wound. When I think about it I feel betrayed. Today I discovered that when they say the 1st love is forever it’s not a lie. It’s true! Last night I called Renata (it … Read more

RJ 13/05/1988 Friday

RJ 13/05/1988 Friday I’m listening to ‘The Wall – Pink Floyd’- Boredom! If I was in Brasilia I’d be going out to do something instead of being home remembering the past. Someone told me cultivating sadness isn’t a good thing but there’s nothing else to do but feel sad. Sometimes I’m surprised by my mind. … Read more

RJ 06/05/1988 Friday – Life goals

RJ 06/05/1988 Friday – Life goals This afternoon some of us went to Andrea’s house to watch ‘Dirty Dancing’. It was mostly girls and two guys from our class. They’re ok but not great. Patience, I have to be content with this, it might be I’m just not used to them. News from Brasilia: Bocão … Read more

RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday

RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday Long time huh? School is getting better and better. We have finished the first bimester (i.e. term of two months). I cheated in Physics and got 80%! I didn’t do well in Organic Chemistry, I tried to cheat but the teacher saw me and nearly gave me 0. Either way, I got … Read more