RJ 18/01/1989 Wednesday

RJ 18/01/1989 Wednesday I woke up at 10:30. It wasn’t sunny so our plans to go to the beach went down the drain. Elfio (oh my god!) called me at 11 to come here tomorrow and record some music. Keyla already invited herself. He’s so gorgeous, like someone out of an advert. I don’t fancy … Read more

RJ 17/01/1989 Tuesday

RJ 17/01/1989 Tuesday I went to the gynaecologist with Maira and Claudio in the morning. I have a small sore in my uterus and I need to put some cream on it. I’m going to go on the pill for my periods to become regular. After the doctor, me and Maira went to buy me … Read more

RJ 15/01/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

RJ 15/01/1989 Sunday – Vestibular Hi! The day rose after Sarney announced the New Cruzado plan and everyone had nightmares about it. Everyone is wondering will it work? No one understands what’s going to change and how, economist’s jargon is Greek to the Brazilians. This crazy economy is so confusing. I think it’s ok for … Read more

RJ 13/01/1989 Friday

RJ 13/01/1989 Friday Gustavo called in the morning and said he was coming to see me. I went out to buy meat, called him when I got back (he left a message asking me to call him) and he said he couldn’t come as he was waiting for a call from a friend he’s going … Read more

RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday

RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday It’s my mum’s birthday today (44 years old). I’ve been missing her! Last night after I wrote here, I called Gustavo but it was engaged. When I finally got through I gave up before he answered. He must have read my thoughts and called me today at lunchtime. He was mad at … Read more