RJ 01/02/1989 Wednesday

RJ 01/02/1989 Wednesday I cleaned the flat up in the morning and exercised from 9-11. I never sweated this much and I ache all over. I’m too eager. I’ll do the same tomorrow. I went to see Keyla in the afternoon (she’s back from Araras), Lu and Carla were there. Carla finished with her boyfriend … Read more

RJ 31/01/1989 Tuesday

RJ 31/01/1989 Tuesday There was nobody to go to the beach with so I didn’t go. Ana Claudia rang me yesterday. Gustavo had a bruise at the graduation party, near the eye and Ana said it was because he got hit by his surfboard (little playboy that he is!) He had to have stitches. I … Read more

RJ 30/01/1989 Monday

RJ 30/01/1989 Monday Went to Barra with Zezé and Gil yesterday. I don’t know why they ended the Summer Time! Feel the excuse: The Government didn’t want soldiers and children to go to work/school in the dark. They didn’t give a shit about that in October and now kids are on holiday! They could at … Read more

RJ 27/01/1989 Friday

RJ 27/01/1989 Friday What’s up duck? Today we FINALLY went to Barra, me, Keyla, Lu. We arranged to meet Barbosa at midday, in front of Caça e Pesca. Barbosa arrived and I begged everyone to go to Barrabella. Off we went, Barrabella is very near Caça e Pesca. I wanted to see Wagner or Gustavo … Read more

RJ 26/01/1989 Thursday

RJ 26/01/1989 Thursday Went to Leblon to meet Elfio but the wanker didn’t go. We decided not to go to Barra (I tried any way I could to convince everyone to go there, but they wouldn’t, because everyone would be going to Leblon). We ended up at shitty, dirty posto 11. I probably caught leprosy … Read more