RJ 19/03/1989 Sunday

RJ 19/03/1989 Sunday Man, I haven’t had a hangover this fucked up for months! No wonder: I drank beer and wine and cachaça. I can’t think straight. Last night Kiko and Barbosa picked me up to go to the party at Kiko’s place, which is near my place. When I got there Leo, Sherlock, Deo, … Read more

RJ 15/03/1989 Wednesday

RJ 15/03/1989 Wednesday 2nd and final day of the general strike. There are no buses anywhere, but some shops opened. I feel so down… Gustavo didn’t call me again. I never felt so rejected! Just as I decided to be with him, make it public, he does this. I feel used and discarded. I’m not … Read more

RJ 17/03/1989 Friday – University enrolment

RJ 17/03/1989 Friday – University enrolment Yesterday and today were a marathon! It was pre-enrollment at UERF/UFRJ/CEFET. Me, Ana and Silvana were there at 10am. Ana is doing Law, Silvana is doing Graphic Design and I’m doing Language Studies & Literature. Their enrollment time was morning and mine was afternoon. Ana left with her dad … Read more

RJ 13/03/1989 Monday

RJ 13/03/1989 Monday Gabriel came back yesterday… The final and official vestibular results were out today, last Wednesday it was just the average scores. I have to call the British Embassy, the British Council and a legal translator. I have to translate all my school documents, CV, diplomas to English and send to my mother, … Read more

RJ 12/03/1989 Sunday

RJ 12/03/1989 Sunday Me, Zezé, Emilia and Gil went to the beach. I couldn’t resist. The sea was fierce! I’ve never seen the waves so big in Barra. Even the surfers didn’t dare go near them, they were too powerful. I barely sunbathed and I only went in the water once and it was really … Read more