RJ 11/10/1989 Wednesday – Goodbye Gustavo

RJ 11/10/1989 Wednesday – Goodbye Gustavo Hi! My mum was supposed to arrive today but now she’s only arriving on Friday and we’re leaving on Wednesday, not Sunday. I’ll only believe it when I see it! For fuck’s sake, what a palaver, I just want to go! And I have to deal with my mother … Read more

RJ 06/10/1989 Monday

RJ 06/10/1989 Monday Hi! My mum arrives from Brasilia next Wednesday and if she doesn’t get stuck on any other issues we leave on the 15th. Good, because I’m fed up with all this waiting! I should have been there a long time ago but my mother is too complicated. She’s coming back from London … Read more

RJ 09/10/1989 Monday

RJ 09/10/1989 Monday Last night I threw my silly pride out the window, called Brasilia and talked to Gino. For starters he said he came looking for me at Luciana’s but I wasn’t there. He then went to his house and waited for me until midnight! Why didn’t he go to the hot dog stand, … Read more

RJ 08/10/1989 Sunday

RJ 08/10/1989 Sunday Sunday boring Sunday… Maira decided not to leave Gabriel with Jeison and after much debate everyone went to Friburgo and I was completely on my own. I only went out to buy food and cigarettes yesterday. I exercised from 15:00-17:00. I recorded a few tapes to take to London: Capital, Paralamas, Biquini … Read more

RJ 01/10/1989 Monday

RJ 01/10/1989 Monday Despite the boredom the year has flown by, so fast I only just realised it’s October! It was only the other day I was doing my vestibular exams! Despite the velocity it’s all a bit distant, like it happened a long time ago. Time eats my memories, as if everything that happened … Read more