RJ 13/04/1989 Thursday

RJ 13/04/1989 Thursday We went to the airport to pick my mum up in the morning. It was crazy when we saw each other, we hugged for ages. Then Zezé went to work, we dropped my mum’s bags at Gennaro’s and came to Zezé’s place. Maira, Claudio and Julia were here. My mum brought After … Read more

RJ 12/04/1989 Wednesday

RJ 12/04/1989 Wednesday She arrives tomorrow! In the morning. So I said Zezé had to say enough, because everything falls on her. Well, she decided to take it out on me. Yesterday I was typing my Portuguese coursework so I didn’t tidy up the flat very well. When she got back she started complaining and … Read more

RJ 10/04/1989 Monday

RJ 10/04/1989 Monday I went to watch Rain Man with Silvana and Keyla yesterday afternoon. They ended up going out with the boys later on (Allan, Kiko, Barbosa and Marcelo) and went to Mamma Africa and met Deo. I nearly regret not going, nearly! Gustavo called me first thing in the morning, he missed class … Read more

RJ 09/04/1989 Sunday

RJ 09/04/1989 Sunday Ana came here and we went to Martins at noon, but no one had arrived. At 14:30 everyone was there: Barbosa, Kiko, Sherlock, Flavio, Allan, Gisele, Silvana, Indio… Paula, Mauro and Monica were the adults. There were lots of people from the other classes, about thirty people. I played volleyball, football, ate, … Read more

RJ 07/04/1989 Friday

RJ 07/04/1989 Friday Gustavo called me at noon and we talked for ages. My aunt has already gone to Friburgo, so I asked him to stay the night. He said he wasn’t sure! I said he’s afraid to see me and not to get it up again. I said we could just watch tv and … Read more