RJ 14/05/1989 Sunday – Dumped and Drunk

RJ 14/05/1989 Sunday – Dumped and Drunk How do I begin? I’ll go straight to the point: IT’S OVER! My aunt and uncle went to Friburgo on Friday and on Saturday I went to Saens Peña with Gustavo to buy a folder for him. It took an hour walking around to find it… I was … Read more

RJ 10/05/1989 Wednesday – English at Brasas

RJ 10/05/1989 Wednesday I started English at Brasas today. I woke up at 6:00am and went there. The class was fun. The teacher is young (around 28 years old) and really nice. I was smiling all the way through. I think I’m one of the youngest in the class. I went to the gynaecologist yesterday … Read more

RJ 07/05/1989 Sunday rainy Sunday…

RJ 07/05/1989 Sunday rainy Sunday… Sunday tedium… Maira went out with Julia and Claudio. My aunt and uncle had a few drinks and fell asleep, it rained all day. I went to the cinema with my mum and aunt Italia to watch Gorillas in the Mist. What an amazing film! I don’t get how Rain … Read more

RJ 06/05/1989 Saturday

RJ 06/05/1989 Saturday I woke up feeling awful, depressed… My family is crazy (uncle, aunt, grandfather), not going to Brasilia, the boredom, the loneliness… Everything at once. To avoid going mad at home I met up with my mum. We bought some things and had lunch at Palheta and we talked. What’s really getting me … Read more

RJ 05/05/1989 Friday

RJ 05/05/1989 Friday Crap, crap, FUCK! Now my mother came up with this one: I can’t go to Brasilia now because the IBGE strike messed up her work calendar and she can’t stay there for four days and my exams start soon. So, I can’t go anytime soon. I feel so frustrated! I’ve been expecting … Read more