RJ 23/05/1989 Tuesday – Cauterization

RJ 23/05/1989 Tuesday – Cauterization Went to the beach on Sunday with Zezé and Gil. I met Ana this morning and we went to the gynaecologist for my cauterization. She came to give me moral support. So, I laid down with my legs open, obviously, and she started the operation. She nearly ripped me open. … Read more

RJ 20/05/1989 Saturday – Grandfather

RJ 20/05/1989 Saturday – Grandfather I finally remembered my dream, it was amazing! First I dreamt I was having sex with Gustavo, and then I was Brasilia, trying to be near Gino, but everything was going wrong. I was deeply in love with him and he was with me but we couldn’t get near each … Read more

RJ 19/05/1989 Friday

RJ 19/05/1989 Friday I had Literature exam yesterday, it was fucked up hard, very abstract, everyone complained. Today I had Portuguese exam, I didn’t revise at all, but I cheated a little and it was easy. I was a little despondent about UERJ and the degree, but that’s gone now. My colleagues are very different … Read more

RJ 17/05/1989 Wednesday

RJ 17/05/1989 Wednesday Gustavo called yesterday afternoon. I lied to him and said that on that fateful Saturday Gino, Rodrigo and Alexandra called ME. Just so he wouldn’t know I was devastated and feel like his head got all big. We talked a bit and I said I’d call him one of these days. I … Read more

RJ 16/05/1989 Tuesday

RJ 16/05/1989 Tuesday Why have I been writing with a pen? I’m tired of writing with pencil, after all it’s been nearly 5 years writing a diary, almost always with a pencil. Everything is going well at Brasas. My English is more advanced than most people in the class and I’m finding it easy. The … Read more