RJ 25/06/1989 Sunday

RJ 25/06/1989 Sunday Ana called me late afternoon, inviting me out with her, Mauro and somebody else. I didn’t know who the somebody else was going to be yet, I called Gustavo (he was in Botafogo) but he said he had been invited to a party in Leblon, but would call me soon, to let … Read more

RJ 23/06/1989 Friday

RJ 23/06/1989 Friday I went to UERJ yesterday just to watch a show. Me, Jane, Marilia and Wanderleia. The show was at the acoustic stage, instrumental music with 4 guys, I forgot their name (they are very famous abroad). It was packed! The show was amazing, 10 x nil on any show I’ve ever seen … Read more

RJ 19/06/1989 Monday

RJ 19/06/1989 Monday To make up for yesterday, the day started well. English lesson was great, Fred always cheers me up (he can cheer a dead person up), then I went to get my electoral title! If we vote for Lula we can change this panorama. Bunch of alienated fools, those who will vote for … Read more

RJ 18/06/1989 Sunday – Feeling down

RJ 18/06/1989 Sunday – Feeling down We skipped class on Sunday and went to Tchan (me, Luiz, Jane, Christiane, Luciana and the car owner). I bumped into Marcelo Moreira and he told me Saturday was Martin’s June party. I drank two glasses of wine and talked to Luiz all the time we were there. I … Read more

RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday

RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday It’sunny again in Rio, but it’s cold (18c, during the day). It’s even colder at night and I enjoy it. When I got home from UERJ last night, Antonio rang and we were on the phone for ages. I was straight with him: we can hang out but I’m not getting together … Read more