Day Eleven, Hollywood

August 12th 2014 – Day 11, Hollywood Jeff drove us up to Hollywood at around 10:30, after we had breakfast. We used the sat nav which directed us up a closed road – when we saw the sign we decided to go up the windy, uphill and narrow road anyway… Other people had the same … Read more

Thursday 20th of June 2002

Thursday 20th June 2002 More shocking news at Riversoft (never ends). Yesterday we were told that the company was being taken over by Micromuse (our ‘archenemy’, the company Phil T. had worked for before founding Riversoft). The financial situation is so bad, and the markets so negative, that apparently, that was the best course of … Read more

Thursday 13th of June 2002

Thursday 13th of June 2002 The world cup is in full swing and Brazil has just beaten Costa Rica 5×2. As you know I support Brazil! You keep asking me if the team in red has won whenever there’s a football match, because the first game you watched (Brazil x Turkey) had Turkey wearing red. … Read more

Monday 7th of May 2002

Monday 7th May 2002 Hello again… On the day I heard about my meagre 3% pay rise I got upset, nearly walked out, just before the Easter break. Then I complained… For some reason I had been put on a band (they were calculating the pay rises according to which band an engineer would fit … Read more

Thursday 10th February 2000

Thursday 10th February 2000 I went signing on today and nearly crashed…. It was raining a lot and I was driving along one of the side roads after I left the doll office. I had the right of way, but this woman just pulled out of the junction! I hit the brake and the car … Read more