RJ 22/12/1984 Saturday

RJ 22/12/1984 Saturday Today was the first time I’ve seen my uncle since I arrived. He leaves home at 8 and comes back at nine at night. As today is Saturday I finally saw him. There’s a black bird here, the ones that can be left out of the cage (but this one hasn’t been … Read more

RJ 21/12/1984 Friday

RJ 21/12/1984 Friday Yesterday, after we arrived from ltalia’s place my mum phoned. She travels today with Carnem to Juiz de Fora and will spend xmas there. She’ll be here on 27th. Last night I had a terrible dream … I don’t remember how it started, I only remember we were going to CIL (me, … Read more

RJ 20/12/1984 Thursday

RJ 20/12/1984 Thursday It doesn’t feel like I’ve only been here since yesterday. In the morning we tidied up the house (Jeison goes to work around 8). Ah, yesterday on the bus, Maira told me that uncle Gilberto gave up the house in Muri (he used to rent it with friends from another family who … Read more

RJ 19/12/1984 Tuesday

RJ 19/12/1984 Wednesday Woke up at 6:20 as I was really anxious to travel. Left home at 9:40 and the flight was delayed because it was a connection flight and it was very cloudy in Rio. Went with Carmen’s sister (Maria Consuelo). We talked the whole flight and she is really nice. When we arrived … Read more

BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday

BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday After much confusion it’s been decided: I’m going to Rio on Thursday, by plane. At 2 o’clock in the morning! (Because it’s cheaper). I’m going with Carmen’s sister (she’s the one paying for the ticket) and when I arrive I’m staying at her relatives’ house. The day after my aunt Zezé will … Read more