RJ 11/01/1985 Friday

RJ 11/01/1985 Friday Today is the big day but I can’t go. It’s 3:15 and the gates at Rock In Rio have been open since noon. There are a lot of people already there. Today the show starts at 16:00. Jeison can only go at 4 so it will be packed by then. The singers … Read more

RJ 10/01/1985 Thursday

RJ 10/01/1985 Thursday Today it’s 5 months I’ve been writing a diary. It’s cloudy and Maira didn’t even go to the Vestibular. Yesterday we argued. She thinks she has all this life experience as if she was 30 years old (She’s 17) and she keeps saying that aggression is pretty normal at my age and … Read more

RJ 09/01/1985 Wednesday

RJ 09/01/1985 Wednesday You won’t believe this! Jeison just phoned, saying he went to Mesbla and saw the Rock In Rio shirts for 19,000, for which you get a 28,000 crz Rock In Rio ticket. He bought them. Only the two of us will go, unfortunately, Maira is not going. Jeison decided to go because … Read more

RJ 08/01/1985 Tuesday

RJ 08/01/1985 Tuesday You know what? I want to leave soon. These people fight all the time. Maira argued with Zezé just after returning from her exam. Her exams were annulled because she marked the answers with pen and it had to be done by pencil, but she didn’t read the instructions and failed! Anyway … Read more

RJ 07/01/1985 Monday

RJ 07/01/1985 Monday I was dying to get here and now I can’t wait to leave. I wish it was the 20th of Feb already, then I leave and start school. I want the first semester to go quickly and to grow my fringe out. Maybe my mum will spend carnaval here. I woke up … Read more