BSB 22/02/85 Friday

BSB 22/02/85 Friday Renata, Ana Amelia and I went to the club in the morning. There was hardly anyone there, and no sun. I had my deck of cards with me so we played buraco. Renata then went to talk to Andrea. Ana Amelia, Adriana (Binho’s sister), some stupid boy and I played table football. … Read more

BSB 21/02/1985 Thursday

BSB 21/02/1985 Thursday Today Vivi went to school and didn’t came out in the afternoon or evening (her mum won’t let her out during term time, except for weekends). I played cards until 6 with Renata. We talked a little bit with the guys from the evil gang, we then went to the playground and … Read more

BSB 20/02/1985 Wednesday

BSB 20/02/1985 Wednesday ” … Acabou nosso carnaval … ” Carnaval is over and it’s hangover day, not for me though as I hardly enjoyed, but the mood is always weird today. On the Monday night ball Renata and Deca got it together and had a snog! I went to the shops with Vivi and … Read more

BSB 19/02/1985 Tuesday

BSB 19/02/1985 Tuesday At noon Vivi, Well, Renata, my mum, Carmen and I went to the Pacotao procession, which leaves from the 302 North. The procession has all sorts: men dressed up as women, etc. The Pacotao only started moving at 13:15. We stayed at the front (Carmen left as she doesn’t like Carnaval). Two … Read more

BSB 18/02/1985 Monday

BSB 18/02/1985 Monday Didn’t do anything all day, together with Renata. We didn’t even go to the club. She only woke up at 11 and we spent the rest of the day going from her house to mine and vice-versa. Renata is going to the ball again tonight! At night I played cards at Viviene’s. … Read more