09/03/1985 Saturday

09/03/1985 Saturday Went down at 10:30 with Renata and Vivi. Alexandra (she’s mad) had called us all to go down but then she disappeared. Vi, Well, Re and I stayed at the I block. Renata’s mum went to the club at around noon so Renata and I went too. Deca was there. At 12:30 I … Read more

08/03/1985 Friday

08/03/1985 Friday Nothing much happened at school today. In the afternoon I went to Debora’s and she phoned Deca. I was listening at the extension but he didn’t know I was there. I was shocked!!! Deca seems to hate Renata. He said she is childish and he only snogged her because he was drunk and … Read more

07/03/1985 Thursday

07/03/1985 Thursday Went to school with Asclê and a cute boy. When I walked into school I bumped into Naeif. In Portuguese I didn’t have a clue what was going on… The PCS lesson was shit. The illiterate teacher spelt ‘extension’ wrongly. He then wasn’t sure and had to look at a piece of paper. … Read more

06/03/1985 Wednesday

06/03/1985 Wednesday On the way out from school we waited for Henrique but he didn’t show up so Karina and I went without him, walking in front of Marcelo. Then Karina went to her house (she lives on 707), but when Henrique is around she walks with us as far as the bus stop. So … Read more

05/03/1985 Tuesday

05/03/1985 Tuesday PCS lesson was absolutely shite. The teacher changed my place, we argued. We didn’t have the second period, instead everyone went to the auditorium to listen to the usual start of the year talk. The whole school was there. Henrique and Ze were sat in front of us and Henrique kept leaning on … Read more