Day Six, Grand Canyon Desert and Hermit viewpoints

August 7th 2014 – Day 6, Grand Canyon Desert and Hermit viewpoints Woke up at 6:10 and went for a run, Jeff was fast asleep so I went on my own, here it is. Won’t have time to run tomorrow (unless I go in the evening, mule ride first thing), then we leave the day … Read more

Day Five, Grand Canyon, Helicopter!

August 6th 2014 – Day 5, Grand Canyon, Helicopter! Woke up at 6, nudged Jeff who said he didn’t want to go for a run, but he got up 10 minutes later and we went for the most scenic run ever. Here’s the run. The first half was very hard, due to altitude, but also, … Read more

Day Four, Grand Canyon

August 5th 2014 – Day 4, Grand Canyon Would have been the perfect night’s sleep, except Daniel’s alarm went off at 4:30, this had been set for Vegas and he forgot to turn it off. We left the lodge at 9:30 and got a bus to the Visitor centre, booked helicopter trip for tomorrow. Then … Read more