Day Thirteen, Coastal Road to Monterey

August 14th 2014 – Day 13, Coastal Road to Monterey Woke up at 7 and we were down at 8 for breakfast, out of the hotel and on the road by 9. Somehow we spent 11 hours on the road to Monterey, 350 miles. We first stopped at manicured, clean cut, Santa Barbara for pit … Read more

Day Twelve, Venice Shopping/Santa Monica Pier

August 13th 2014 – Day Twelve, Venice Shopping/Santa Monica Pier Got up the latest, so far, 7:15. But still didn’t make it down till 11. Jeff went for a run and saw a guy on skateboard wearing a suit and carrying a case… Looked like he was on his way to work. Bought some underwear … Read more

Day Eleven, Hollywood

August 12th 2014 – Day 11, Hollywood Jeff drove us up to Hollywood at around 10:30, after we had breakfast. We used the sat nav which directed us up a closed road – when we saw the sign we decided to go up the windy, uphill and narrow road anyway… Other people had the same … Read more

Day Ten, Venice and Mulholland Drive

August 11th 2014 – Day 10, Venice and Mulholland Drive Once again, wide awake at 6. Went for a run alone this time, Jeff is still sleeping and it’s nearly 8. Daniel is having a shower. While running I was thinking about this place. Every so often, quite often, you get hit by the smell … Read more

Day Nine, Santa Monica and Venice

August 10th 2014 – Day 9, Santa Monica and Venice Woke up at 6, for a change… Morning run with Jeff, there were a few runners around and the homeless community. None of them begging, I think they collect things and sell… They were dotted around benches and grass on Palisades Park. Then breakfast and … Read more