Day Eighteen, Golden Gate Park & Haight-Ashbury

August 19th 2014 – Day 18, Golden Gate Park & Haight-Ashbury Felt more energised and like myself today after good night’s sleep. We had breakfast at the hotel, which isn’t included. Then we went to get the hybrid electric bus number 5 to Golden Gate Park at around 11. On the way to the bus … Read more

Day Seventeen, San Francisco

August 18th 2014 – Day 17, San Francisco Had a yummy breakfast of bagels and various cheese spreads (sun dried tomato was favourite) with Ankush and Proma, packed our cases and went to San Francisco at 11, as we had to return the hire car by 12. Hotel checkin was officially 3pm, but sometimes they … Read more

Day Sixteen, Muir Woods/Lombard Street drive

August 17th 2014 – Day 16, Muir Woods/Lombard Street drive After a nice home breakfast prepared by Proma and Ankush, we drove to a car park to get bus to Muir Woods, over Golden Gate, once we got there, we did a lot of walking, and saw amazing trees!!!! Also a lot of cars illegally … Read more

Day Fifteen, whales and drive to San Mateo

August 16th 2014 – Day 15, whales and drive to San Mateo After awful night’s sleep: my phone rang twice, it was Santander’s automated fraud dpt. I got a backup credit card from them, but forgot to tell them I was going away. So yesterday I gave it mistakenly at the restaurant and they tried … Read more

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Day Fourteen, Monterey

August 15th 2014 – Day 14, Monterey I woke up at 8 today, the very very latest! Jeff and Daniel slept for another hour. Had very strange dream last night, we were in LA and massive waves were washing all the people from the beach up to the hotel walkway and back down again. No … Read more