Super Swift vs. Tiny Temper Trump

Archived Blog archive I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now, of Taylor Swift as a comic book super heroine. I can’t draw but thanks to AI this can be relatively easily achieved with a prompt. I say relatively easily because I didn’t get quite what I wanted and the more I … Read more

Day Twenty-One, Goodbye USA, hello UK!

August 22nd 2014 – Day 21, Goodbye USA, hello UK! Didn’t sleep so good, wide awake at 5 then back to sleep to wake up at 9:30. The covers in this hotel are extra noisy, any time anyone moves there’s a lot of rustling, more than usual. Also the beds were narrower than everywhere else … Read more

Day Twenty, last full day in the USA…

August 21st 2014 – Day 20, last full day in the USA… It’s here, the last full day. I’m ready to got back, tired of living out of a suitcase, missing home, and routine. But onto the present. TODAY THE SUN FINALLY CAME OUT!!!! Which was really uplifting and much needed. After late breakfast in … Read more

Day Nineteen, Golden Gate Bridge

August 20th 2014 – Day 19, Golden Gate Bridge Rachel Jael, the percussionist and film maker we saw in Venice is in San Francisco. Daniel followed her on Instagram and yesterday she posted a photo of Golden Gate bridge… Then this morning Daniel went for a wander on his own nearby, while Jeff and I … Read more