Day Eleven, Hollywood

August 12th 2014 – Day 11, Hollywood Jeff drove us up to Hollywood at around 10:30, after we had breakfast. We used the sat nav which directed us up a closed road – when we saw the sign we decided to go up the windy, uphill and narrow road anyway… Other people had the same … Read more

Day Ten, Venice and Mulholland Drive

August 11th 2014 – Day 10, Venice and Mulholland Drive Once again, wide awake at 6. Went for a run alone this time, Jeff is still sleeping and it’s nearly 8. Daniel is having a shower. While running I was thinking about this place. Every so often, quite often, you get hit by the smell … Read more

Day Nine, Santa Monica and Venice

August 10th 2014 – Day 9, Santa Monica and Venice Woke up at 6, for a change… Morning run with Jeff, there were a few runners around and the homeless community. None of them begging, I think they collect things and sell… They were dotted around benches and grass on Palisades Park. Then breakfast and … Read more