London 16/12/1989 Saturday

London 16/12/1989 Saturday Today Carmen, Isabel, Joel and I went to see an exhibition of 150 years of photography. Very good! Marcos, Leda and their little boy also turned up. Half way through they announced it was closing in 15 minutes, so we just rushed through for the second half. I’m thinking about buying an … Read more

London 14/12/1989 Thursday

London 14/12/1989 Thursday Got a letter from Lu on Tuesday and since then I’ve been writing to friends. To Lu alone I have written 6 pages, on both sides. I told her everything that has been happening. Job news: I got the NI on Monday and went to Kentucky Fried Chicken, to talk to Ivo. … Read more

London 10/12/1989 Sunday

London 10/12/1989 Sunday Yesterday afternoon my mother and I went to Kentucky and Ivo (one of the managers) told me to go to a job centre and get a form so he could fill it in and I could have my National Insurance Number. I think this means I have a job? After that we … Read more

London 09/12/1989 Saturday

London 09/12/1989 Saturday On Thursday evening my mum and I went to the embassy to justify our non-vote (voting in Brazil is mandatory) and then to Pizza Hut, they are looking for people so I was told to go back yesterday to speak to the manager. After that we went to ILEA so I could … Read more

London 05/12/1989 Tuesday

London 05/12/1989 Tuesday David called on Sunday, apologising, saying he’d been busy. I said I was going out with my mum and couldn’t see him. He asked if we could meet on Monday, I told him to call then. On Monday we went to have lunch at Carmen’s and I read the Folha de Sao … Read more