BSB 26/11/1985 Tuesday

BSB 26/11/1985 Tuesday Lara managed to get the Science test answers, the whole class got 90%, as one of the answers was wrong, and everyone got it wrong. After the test I was talking to Arthur, who was skipping class. The Portuguese teacher asked me to write a thank you note to the Social Director … Read more

BSB 25/11/1985 Monday

BSB 25/11/1985 Monday We had Maths test in the first period, think I did well. On the 2nd period we had a Geography test. During the break we all talked about Friday. I was dying to talk to Arthur, but he was doing his school play from the 3rd period onwards to another school, from … Read more

BSB 23/11/1985 Saturday

BSB 23/11/1985 Saturday I was out all day and evening. I called Henrique in the afternoon as he said he was coming, but made an excuse and didn’t come. First he invites himself and then decides not to come. At around 21:40 me, Renata, Vivi, Pedro and Ana were playing charades when Alexandra arrived from … Read more

BSB 22/11/1985 Friday

BSB 22/11/1985 Friday We arrived at school at 8 and the bus left at 8:30. The first thing we did was swim as it was very hot… At the start of the day, Riba, Henrique, Fabiane, Karine and I kept drowning each other. Then the four of them were getting on too well for my … Read more

BSB 21/11/1985 Thursday

BSB 21/11/1985 Thursday I don’t need to take the English test! I have passed already. Can you believe that after I told Henrique this he just went all weird, he didn’t even walk back with me, went another way. There’s no class tomorrow for 8th grade as we are going to AEB (a club) at … Read more