BSB 01/09/1985 Sunday

BSB 01/09/1985 Sunday Henrique called me around 2 to say that Dani and Fabiane arranged to go to the cinema with him, and he asked me to go. I didn’t want to. He called me later and kept asking me to go and I couldn’t resist and decided to go. I arranged to meet up … Read more

BSB 31/08/1985 Saturday

BSB 31/08/1985 Saturday No dance rehearsal today, it’s 14:30 and my pupils are still dilated. I washed my hair in the morning, did History coursework, then took a nap. The phone rang at 13:30, I dragged myself to answer it and nearly had a heart attack when I heard Henrique’s voice, asking me to the … Read more

BSB 30/08/1985 Friday

BSB 30/08/1985 Friday The worst possible thing in the world has happened: I like Henrique. At first I thought I didn’t, but today, during the break I couldn’t wait for him to come out of his classroom to meet me. I think about him all the time. SHIT! I just wanted to be his friend. … Read more

BSB 29/08/1985 Thursday

BSB 29/08/1985 Thursday Didn’t do much in Portuguese (1st period). 8C didn’t have PAE (teacher still not coming in), Henrique and Riba walked past the window. Didn’t have second period but there was no one to move class up, because the other half of the class had PCS. In Maths we learned new stuff. Stayed … Read more