BSB 12/09/1986 Friday

BSB 12/09/1986 Friday Once again I didn’t revise for tomorrow’s tests today, but that’s because I had revised already. Instead I went through my earlier journals. Weird how you change in two years… Sometimes it’s like it was written by someone else. One of the few things that haven’t changed is the desire to write, … Read more

BSB 11/09/1986 Thursday

BSB 11/09/1986 Thursday In school there’s a mural with about 100 photos taken during the gincana. I was in a couple. Every day of this week our team got together during the break. I haven’t seen Ana for ages, her mum won’t let her anywhere near us, she even left dance. She pretends it’s not … Read more

BSB 09/09/1986 Tuesday

BSB 09/09/1986 Tuesday Holiday for Independence day, so Renata and I cycled to the club. There was an ice-cream festival and we ate a lot. The club was packed and China the cute was there. Then we cycled to 103 but Vivi wasn’t home. We left our bikes home and got a lift with two … Read more

BSB 05/09/1986 Friday

BSB 05/09/1986 Friday Hi!!! Leonardo’s gincana finished today. It was the best, amazing, incredible! It started on the 3rd, then on the 4th and today. There were 10 teams. Enola Gay and ‘Adam & Eve’ were the favourites, Adam and Eve won and Enola Gay came second. Leonardo’s gincana is unusual, there’s Handball, Volleyball, Football, … Read more

BSB 31/08/1986 Sunday

BSB 31/08/1986 Sunday I can’t stand my mum anymore. My tummy is aching from all the coughing, my voice is gone and my head aches and she keeps nagging me. She picks on everything I do. If I go out, if I answer back, if I smoke, if I walk, if I breathe, if I … Read more