About this Blog…

I blame Anne Frank for my obsession with documenting my life – shortly after reading her book I started my diaries. I was thirteen and I wrote them in Portuguese, my first language. I studied Literature for a semester in Rio (UERJ) as I wanted to be a journalist, but stopped it with a view of returning in two years, to go to London where my mother was doing her PhD at LSE. That was back in 1989 and I ended up staying in London. I didn’t become a journalist but I continued to journal.

Life directed me towards Software Development in a series of twists and turns and I graduated, in London, in Computing, and worked as a programmer for 15 years until getting worn out by corporate world drudgery and moving on. I was also raising my son during those 15 years and beyond. I have two grandchildren: a girl and a boy.

I also got into photography, getting myself a City & Guilds award in Professional Photography in 1992, after studying full-time for a year. I spent hour after hour in a darkroom in those days of analogue photography… I still take photos, constantly, using the more instantly gratifying digital format.

This Blog is split into four-ish categories (a lot of the entries are still private, one day I will perhaps make them all public):

* Teenage Life – Starting in 1984, when I lived in Brazil.
* London Live – The move to London in Nov 1989 starts with a few days in Madrid…
* Family life – After a hiatus of around 5 years, I got back into journaling, for my son, in 1999.
* More general entries which don’t fit into the above, like travel, adventures with my cats, recipes, music, etc…

I also practice Capoeira and write about it here.

Here’s a map with some of the events in my life…

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