Brixton Rebrand/Cycling Fail

Brixton Rebrand/Cycling Fail

This morning the shocking news of Brixton renaming was published on Brixton Buzz and Mike posted it on Facebook (photo and article copyright Mike Urban):

We’ve heard from sources inside Lambeth Town Hall that Brixton is soon set to become part of Clapham, under a controversial rebranding of the area.

I believed for about a second, I had forgotten the date, as well as smashing myself into the back of a van on my way to work 😀

I thought it was a pretty damned good April’s food. At lunchtime I was reading The Guardian and saw they had a section for posting your favourite April Fool’s, so I did, and it made it to their feed 🙂
Biting satire from BrixtonBuzz, who this morning announced Brixton is to undergo a major rebranding exercise.

East Clapham
East Clapham station. Photograph: /BrixtonBuzz

And here is how I hit the back of van this morning… (I posted this on the cycling commute thread on urban75, I post there regularly)

Epic cyclist fail, on my part. And my first proper bike crash/accident. My other two falls were weather induced…

On Kennington Road, just after the lights opposite the Imperial War Museum. I was ahead of two other cyclists, and two vans were indicating to turn left onto a small side road. I saw that and veered to the right to go past them, but the second van stopped suddenly, I think to give way to the two other cyclists, which were to my left on the bus lane, I just saw the van’s bumper approaching so fast, I hit the brakes, but smashed into the back of the van, the back of the bike lifted all the way up and and I landed on my back, well, on my arse first. Must have been comical :D

My first thought when I landed was that I was going to get run over by the two cyclists behind me, but thankfully they had enough time to avoid me. They both stopped to make sure I was ok (thank you!!!), the van just stayed where it was, but no one came out. I got up straight away (adrenaline…) and checked the bike and it was all fine. So I gave the van driver and his mate the thumbs up and that was that, off I went. All very civilized…

Expecting a respectable arse bruise to emerge. My right thumb was a bit hurty but it’s ok now (it happened about 50 minutes ago). I’m basically quite relieved that I didn’t get badly hurt.