BSB 25/04/85 Thursday

BSB 25/04/85 Thursday It’s 13:08. Tancredo was finally been buried, last night around 22:00. Sarney kept the cabinet Tancredo formed unchanged: The country woke up fully without Tancredo and Marcelo went back to school. From now on I’ll write down the most fanciable boy of the day here. Today the boy who interested me the … Read more

BSB 24/04/85 Wednesday

BSB 24/04/85 Wednesday It’s Jose Sarney’s birthday today. Tancredo’s body was taken to São João Del Rey this morning and will be buried at 17:00. At school all we talked about was Tancredo’s death. Henrique was being extra friendly today and told me how the Maths test was (they had it before we did) and … Read more

BSB 23/04/85 Tuesday

BSB 23/04/85 Tuesday It’s a bit hard to imagine Sarney as the President. He doesn’t have Tancredo’s charisma. Is he going to be any good? There’s one person who has suffered more than anybody and who has moved everyone for being strong: Mrs Risoleta Neves, who is incredible, beautiful and serene in her suffering.(well she … Read more

BSB 22/04/85 Monday

BSB 22/04/85 Monday I didn’t go to school today. Tancredo died last night at 22:23. It’s a national holiday for banks, offices, etc. I don’ t know if there are lessons in school, but I just didn’t go. Now at 7:28 he’s being mummified and then later there’s going to be a service. Then he’ll … Read more

BSB 21/04/85 Sunday

BSB 21/04/85 Sunday Last night Renata, Alexandra and I went to a party where the wind turns a corner: 316 North! It was Marisa’s party, She’s Alexandra’s friend and Andre’s ex. Claudio, Andre and Fabiano were there too. I argued with Andre the whole party. Alexandra’s mum was supposed to pick us up (she drove … Read more