Saturday 23rd October 1999

Saturday 23rd October 1999 I had an interesting week. I had my driving test booked for yesterday and was supposed to have my last lesson on Thursday afternoon with Gerry. On Tuesday Helen (from BSM) phoned me to say that Gerry was in hospital and would not be able to take me for my last … Read more

Wednesday 1st of September 1999

Wednesday 1st of September 1999 I had my driving test and failed again! This time I failed during the manoeuvres: I hit the kerb on the left reversing around the corner (which should only be a minor), then on my parallel parking I didn’t look ahead enough times… Then when pulling out the examiner said … Read more

Wednesday 30th of June 1999

Wednesday 30th of June 1999 You started crying like mad last night and I had to stop and breastfeed you to sleep. Your first tooth is just coming through (the lower on the right hand side) and I felt its edge for the first time yesterday. When Roger dropped me home yesterday after the test … Read more