Friburgo 25/03/1989 Saturday

Friburgo 25/03/1989 Saturday I got here yesterday afternoon. Zezé and Gil came up on Thursday by car and brought the rest of Maira’s things. I came by bus the next day. As soon as my aunt and uncle left I called Gustavo and asked him to come over. He was going to Saquarema. He said … Read more

Friburgo 05/02/1989 Sunday

Friburgo 05/02/1989 Sunday Oh, the boredom! The thing I do the most is sleep… As nothing happens here I’ve been following the news and the Stroessener and General Rodriguez conflict. General Alfredo Stroessner was overthrown on February 3, 1989, in a violent coup that abruptly ended his 34-year rule. He was replaced by General … Read more

Friburgo 03/02/1989 Friday

Friburgo 03/02/1989 Friday Carnival is going to be great here… I don’t even want to think about it! Yesterday afternoon I went to Ana’s house and we might take swimming together (in a pool, not the sea). Some guy showed up selling some amazing bikinis and Ana lent me money to buy one. Me, her … Read more

Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday

Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday Me, Maira, Gabriel, Ana, Adriana, Ricardo, Ari and Mauricio came to Friburgo for four days. We arrived yesterday afternoon. Monday and Tuesday I was mad at Maira and spent the whole time ignoring her. We spent Tuesday morning fighting. She said she’s not going to Brasilia and I didn’t care and now … Read more

Friburgo 26/07/1986 Saturday

Friburgo 26/07/1986 Saturday It’s so cold here and while I sleep in an ice box, Maira, Jeison and Gabriel sleep in the room with the heater. What an injustice. I went to fliperama today and bumped into Fabiane! The one who got off with Henrique and was in my class at Caseb, the headmistress’ daughter. … Read more