Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday

Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday I didn’t go to Caxambu in the end. Keyla called me on Tuesday evening saying she had argued with Valeria and their father wouldn’t let them go anymore and he was going to rip the tickets! I had already packed! Her father is an arsehole! I’ve never seen a family fight so … Read more

Friburgo 26/08/1989 Saturday – Physics

Friburgo 26/08/1989 Saturday – Physics Eh, great weather, fresh! No sign of sadness. I miss Brasilia enormously but I’m ok, not sad, not happy: just even. To pass the time today I picked up a Physics book and answered some questions, otherwise my brain will get rusty. How weird, after finishing school I fell in … Read more