BSB 02/04/85 Tuesday

BSB 02/04/85 Tuesday The bus strike continues and a lot of people are using their cars to drive people around and make some money. I walked to school with Adelaide. Pat Lima is in love with Petronio, Karina with Guilherme, Fernanda with Henrique, Pat Figueired with Wellington, Danilo and Marcio. And today I love Marcelo. … Read more

BSB 01/04/85 Monday

BSB 01/04/85 Monday Something is wrong. The nation’s atmosphere is bad. Maybe it’s me, not the country. The girls don’t care as they are alienated but I feel something is going on, I don’t know what. I’m not sure if it’s because Tancredo is ill and that is causing a tense expectation, or if it’s … Read more

BSB 31/03/85 Sunday

BSB 31/03/85 Sunday It was really sunny in the morning and Alexandra came over. Renata only woke up at 10 and the sky went cloudy. At 11 Renata called us to go to the club (it was sunny again), as we were leaving it got cloudy again so each one of us went home and … Read more

BSB 30/03/85 Saturday

BSB 30/03/85 Saturday Stayed at Renata’s in the morning and afternoon with Alexandra, Ana Amelia and Vivi. At around 16:00 (Ana had left) we went to Renata’s window and shouted at everyone that walked past below. Asclê went past and I shouted at him and then went to his block to pick up his B-52 … Read more

BSB 29/03/85 Friday

BSB 29/03/85 Friday I had a great day today. In Physical Education lesson we did 3 laps on the circuit and played volleyball. When we got back to the classroom the election for the teacher representative was taking place. We asked the boys to vote for Liliam (KiIza was winning), as she’s the only one … Read more