BSB 07/04/85 Sunday

BSB 07/04/85 Sunday We played beti in the morning. I went to have lunch with my mum at Kazebre, Carmen and Telo were there too. When I got back the gang was looking for oil tins to play beti. The match started and I was waiting for the next one as I was going to … Read more

BSB 06/04/85 Saturday

BSB 06/04/85 Saturday My mum was really pissed off because I brought Chica back home. So she kicked her out again. Tancredo had some exams.and it seems all infections have cleared. We were playing beti but it started raining so we all sat down under my block. It was packed, everyone was there: the evil … Read more

BSB 05/04/85 Friday

BSB 05/04/85 Friday Last night I stayed out until 22:30. In the morning Debora phoned and asked me to phone 4 people telling them to pray 3 Ave Marias and phone 4 other people. The chain is so spread already that I had to ring 15 people to get 4 people who had not been … Read more

BSB 04/04/85 Thursday

BSB 04/04/85 Thursday This Brazil is a really mad country. There is a big flood in the North East and there are 98,000 homeless. This is absurd: In the North East there are 8,000,000 sq km of fertile land and only 1% is used. If this country was run by people who didn’t think just … Read more

BSB 03/04/85 Wednesday

BSB 03/04/85 Wednesday I woke up and washed my hair. D. Dora was here today as the bus that she takes is not part of the strike. In the afternoon I went down with Alexandra and Debora. We watched a movie at Debora’s and then went down again. They went to the shop and I … Read more