BSB 06/02/85 Wednesday

BSB 06/02/85 Wednesday Today was a great day! Vivi and Renata phoned me as soon as I woke up. Renata and me went out and visited Vivi. I really missed her. She cut her head yesterday, jogging at the Eixao, and it was a deep cut too. We chatted all morning. Renata had arranged to … Read more

BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday

BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday (Wednesday, really, as it’s 1:30). I’m back home and it seems so big compared to my aunt’s flat. There was a postcard from Renata de Castro waiting for me, a miniskirt and the cats (they’ve grown!). The cats have worms, I saw one wiggling out of the cat’s bottom. Back in Rio … Read more

BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday

BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday After much confusion it’s been decided: I’m going to Rio on Thursday, by plane. At 2 o’clock in the morning! (Because it’s cheaper). I’m going with Carmen’s sister (she’s the one paying for the ticket) and when I arrive I’m staying at her relatives’ house. The day after my aunt Zezé will … Read more

BSB 17/12/1984 Monday

BSB 17/12/1984 Monday Today was a monotonous vacation day and I only write because I’m conditioned lo do so and I feel bad when I don’t write. In the morning I fInished recording the tape. In the afternoon I listened to music and danced. Oh, yes, in the morning I blew soap bubbles out of … Read more

BSB 16/12/1984 Sunday

BSB 16/12/1984 Sunday Woke up with a noise. My mum was reading the song I wrote last night (I left the diary open). I screamed. I thought she had read the previous page. What a fright! Renata came here and we recorded “Vereda Tropical”(Ana Amelia’s). Speaking of which, Andre still has my record “Partido Alto”. … Read more