BSB 26/02/85 Tuesday

BSB 26/02/85 Tuesday I’ve been lucky so far this year. The 1st period was PCS/PA (it’s now 12:45) and the teacher is a drag! The 2nd period was History, the teacher is Mrs. Magdala, a bit boring. It looks like we will have the most demanding teachers in the school. Caseb was painted and it … Read more

BSB 24/02/85 Sunday

BSB 24/02/85 Sunday Woke up at 6:50 and it was a beautiful day! So I phoned Renata and went over to hers. Ana Amelia had stayed overnight but she didn’t want to go to the club with us, so it was just Renata and I. Renata didn’t want Vivi to go. We met Onofre under … Read more

BSB 23/02/85 Saturday

BSB 23/02/85 Saturday Today it was cloudy and we didn’t go to the club. I woke up and had breakfast at Renata’s and then came home and washed my hair. Then Renata came over and asked me to have lunch at hers (well, she asked me to play cards and I ended up having lunch … Read more

BSB 22/02/85 Friday

BSB 22/02/85 Friday Renata, Ana Amelia and I went to the club in the morning. There was hardly anyone there, and no sun. I had my deck of cards with me so we played buraco. Renata then went to talk to Andrea. Ana Amelia, Adriana (Binho’s sister), some stupid boy and I played table football. … Read more