Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia

Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia Between 1984-1986 our preferred mode of transportation was hitchhiking.  Growing up in Brasilia seemed so safe we never once felt we were in any danger.  Even so, we’d never give them our correct phone number (some people asked) or told them exactly where we lived.  I … Read more

RJ 09/10/1989 Monday

RJ 09/10/1989 Monday Last night I threw my silly pride out the window, called Brasilia and talked to Gino. For starters he said he came looking for me at Luciana’s but I wasn’t there. He then went to his house and waited for me until midnight! Why didn’t he go to the hot dog stand, … Read more

RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia

RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia Yesterday was fun! I went to Keyla’s in the afternoon. Her parents went away and her and Valeria are alone. I stayed all afternoon then they invited me for dinner as Efio was visiting after class. The three of us came to my place to pick up some tapes and … Read more

RJ 28/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

RJ 28/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia We arrived back from Friburgo (me, Zezé and Gil) last night. On Sunday I went to watch Dangerous Liaisons with Zezé and Maira. It’s the second time I watched it, it’s such a good film! The temperature in Rio is perfect, 20c during the day. This is the ideal temperature … Read more

RJ 25/08/1989 Friday

RJ 25/08/1989 Friday I went to the centre of town in the morning to exchange some dollars to send to my mum, got back and soon after Gustavo arrived with my records. I felt NOTHING when I saw him, but I flirted with him, just for fun. We had lunch. I was in good spirits, … Read more