BSB 22/04/1986 Tuesday

BSB 22/04/1986 Tuesday Didn’t go to school today, felt lazy. I got my English test back, and got a C, I also did the end of term exam. It’s raining so much in the North East that 200,000 people are homeless because of it.

BSB 14/05/85 Tuesday

BSB 14/05/85 Tuesday Dance is now back to Tues/Thursday. In the north-east it continues to rain and there are more homeless people. In two months there have been 4 heart transplants and the last one was on Sunday. Patient is doing well. Something good has happened. Fernanda Montenegro was asked to be the new Minister … Read more

BSB 07/05/85 Tuesday

BSB 07/05/85 Tuesday Hello! The war in favour of democratic elections is finally over. Jose Sarney said that soon the constitution will be amended, permitting direct elections and the end of the electoral assembly. I will probably get to vote in the next election for president! In the north-east some depressing numbers from the floodings … Read more

BSB 21/02/1985 Thursday

BSB 21/02/1985 Thursday Today Vivi went to school and didn’t came out in the afternoon or evening (her mum won’t let her out during term time, except for weekends). I played cards until 6 with Renata. We talked a little bit with the guys from the evil gang, we then went to the playground and … Read more