Thursday 20th of June 2002

Thursday 20th June 2002 More shocking news at Riversoft (never ends). Yesterday we were told that the company was being taken over by Micromuse (our ‘archenemy’, the company Phil T. had worked for before founding Riversoft). The financial situation is so bad, and the markets so negative, that apparently, that was the best course of … Read more

Monday 7th of May 2002

Monday 7th May 2002 Hello again… On the day I heard about my meagre 3% pay rise I got upset, nearly walked out, just before the Easter break. Then I complained… For some reason I had been put on a band (they were calculating the pay rises according to which band an engineer would fit … Read more

Wednesday 1st of August 2001

Wednesday 1st of August 2001 It’s getting harder and harder to write. I’ve just not made the effort… Well, what’s happened since last February? Not much has changed, really. We went to Costa Brava at the beginning of July for a week, and that was quite nice. The three of us had a great time. … Read more