Friday 18th of February 2005 – Valentine’s, Mafalda, new bathroom, my first squat party

Friday 18th of February 2005 – Valentine’s, new bathroom, my first squat party You made a ‘Valentimes Card’ for Valentine’s day. ‘Valentime’s’… LOL This week has been ½ term so you’re staying at Latchkey during the day, apart from yesterday. We stayed at home as the bathroom suite was being delivered! Work on new bathroom … Read more

London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland

London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland We are back already, unfortunately. What a great trip. We arrived in Dublin at 23:00 on Thursday and Patrick’s relatives picked us up and took us to Ashbourne. We went straight to the pub for Patrick to drink proper Guinness and I met Patrick’s father’s four brothers. We … Read more