How to release an EP

Go to 29th of June 2024. Latest Update 19th of May 2024 I was listening to this podcast on The Daily today. Have you heard the song “Brett Martin, You a Nice Man, Yes”? Probably not. On Spotify, “Brett Martin, You a Nice Man, Yes” has not yet accumulated enough streams to even register … Read more

My new Songs!

Last edited 15th of June 2024 First Published: Sunday 17th of December 2023 – My new songs! Lelé London · Lelé Music Go to Mixed Messages. Go to Minha Sabiá. Go to Tabloid Formula. Go to Comfortabubble Journey. Go to Agogô Dubstep. Go to Dusky Lullaby. Go to PanReggaton. Ifs & Buts 17 Dec 2023 … Read more

What I know about Music – My progress in one page!

What I know about music – My progress in one page! (Go to last update 01 January 2024) 12 January 2018 I learned classical guitar for about 6 months when I was 15 years old, back in Brasilia. Long enough to develop callouses (which have long faded away) and to get frustrated because I wasn’t … Read more

Asa Branca – Luiz Gonzaga

08 March 2019 Asa Branca – Luiz Gonzaga Asa Branca – Luiz Gonzaga Written in 1947, Asa Branca is one of the most well known songs in Brazil – I’d be surprised if there’s anyone there who hasn’t heard or doesn’t recognise the unmistakable introduction. By learning this song I also learned the baião strumming … Read more