Tuesday 24th of February 2009 – Trip to Gran Canaria

Tuesday 24th of February 2009 – Trip to Gran Canaria Hello!  We came back from a great holiday in Gran Canaria on Sunday morning, we were there for a week.  Photos here: https://flickr.com/photos/plasmatika/sets/72157614212208191/ https://flickr.com/photos/plasmatika/sets/72157614217763019/ We climbed a lot of sand dunes, built a few sandcastles, swam at the pool and sea, played cards, played crazy … Read more

Thursday, 13th of November 2008 – Guardian July Photo Competition

Thursday, 13th of November 2008 Guardian July Photo Competition I’d forgotten I entered a photo of you taken in Perranporth Beach (during our holiday in Cornwall, July 2007) to the Guardian’s July 08 photo comp, see if you can spot it: http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/gallery/2008/aug/02/photocompetition.jul08?picture=335487655 This is the photo: “My son playing with the seagulls on Perranporth beach in … Read more