Thursday 17th of June 1999

Thursday 17th of June 1999 Tragedy struck last week. My computer got very sick (the master hard disk went all funny). The slave disk was fine (where all my data was, including this), so we took it to the shop. The shop was a joke. After waiting for a week, the three of us were … Read more

Monday 31st of May 1999

Monday 31st of May 1999 Today is a Bank Holiday, but your dad is working at Ladbrokes. He hates it so much that he is leaving in two weeks, to work at the University in the Finance Dpt., for the summer. After that he will be going back to university Full-time. Anyway, while he was … Read more

Saturday 29th of May 1999

Saturday 29th of May 1999 Went out last night with Jo (my best friend), Amy and some other friends. I met Jo when I was doing my Foundation year before being accepted into University. We’ve known each other for 5 years now. I met Amy on my first year at UNL, she was a proper … Read more

Family Life – May’99+

London, Friday 18th of May 1999 This is for you, son. As I spend my days looking after you I decided that a good way to keep my brain occupied would be to write, something I haven’t done for years. So, if the narrative isn’t very good, I’m sorry. I have only been writing algorithms … Read more