Wednesday 21st of July 1999

Wednesday 21st of July 1999 Your father and I are still together, and I just read the bit above to him, we’re friends again but for how long? R. took you to have a hearing test yesterday (all 7 month old babies have it done) and everything was fine. In the meantime I was at … Read more

Sunday 4th of July 1999

Sunday 4th of July 1999 According to the interpreters of Nostradamus prophecies, the world was supposed to end today or thereabouts. We’ve been waiting, but nothing has happened! For the first time in my life I actually hoped the world wouldn’t end (I was fearless before you were born), but now I want to see … Read more

Wednesday 30th of June 1999

Wednesday 30th of June 1999 You started crying like mad last night and I had to stop and breastfeed you to sleep. Your first tooth is just coming through (the lower on the right hand side) and I felt its edge for the first time yesterday. When Roger dropped me home yesterday after the test … Read more

Tuesday 29th of June 1999

Tuesday 29th of June 1999 Today was an eventful day to say the least: I had my driving test, your father got his last payslip from Ladbrokes and your grandma Linda went back to Manchester. The day started very early, at 6. My test was at 8:40 and I was to have a lesson beforehand. … Read more

Tuesday 22nd of June 1999

Tuesday 22nd of June 1999 I have to go to the dentist tomorrow morning, at 9:00. I have no tooth decay, but my gums are in a really bad estate, so bad that if nothing is done to clean them my teeth will just fall off! I had a bit of a shock when the … Read more