Saturday 4th September 1999

Saturday 4th September 1999 We had a major breakthrough last night! Since Tuesday I started putting you in your cot during the day and at night for you to sleep (I had stopped doing that since you had your meningitis scare and the virus). You cry for about 5 minutes (or should I say scream) … Read more

Wednesday 1st of September 1999

Wednesday 1st of September 1999 I had my driving test and failed again! This time I failed during the manoeuvres: I hit the kerb on the left reversing around the corner (which should only be a minor), then on my parallel parking I didn’t look ahead enough times… Then when pulling out the examiner said … Read more

Saturday 21 August 1999

Saturday 21 August 1999 Last weekend was a bit of a nightmare. You started behaving a bit unusually on Friday night (sleeping a lot), then you were whining all day on Saturday. I thought you were teething, so I gave you some Calpol. You were either awake and moaning or asleep… We went to sleep … Read more

Thursday 5th of August 1999

Thursday 05 August 1999 Your dad got the job! He’s really happy with it and has started already, but this means we won’t be going down to Cornwall for the eclipse on Wednesday. But there should be 95% visibility in London, which is cool. It was my birthday yesterday: 28 years old! It didn’t feel … Read more

Tuesday 27th of July 1999

Tuesday 27th of July 1999 On Sunday we went to Alexandra Palace with Emma for a picnic, and two of her friends were there. We got there at around 3:30 in the afternoon, and about an hour later it started raining! So we went for a drink outside the palace’s pub (by the time we … Read more