13th of December 1999 – Your First Birthday

Monday 13th December 1999 – Your First Birthday I didn’t get called back for the interview and was a bit disappointed, but not for long. I just have to keep trying (I haven’t really even tried yet!). I don’t like being rejected though. It’s very disheartening. Your First Birthday Well, well, it’s your first year … Read more

Wednesday 8th December 1999

Wednesday 8th December 1999 Had the tests for graduate vacancies at Wilco yesterday. The first two were easy, verbal reasoning (I was given text and had to say whether the statements were true/false/cannot say without more info type of thing) and logical reasoning (I was given a set of rules and had to point out … Read more

Monday 22nd November 1999

Monday 22nd of November 1999 You are officially walking now! It’s so funny though, you walk like a chimpanzee, rocking from side to side, with your hands up in the air. Had some problems with the car. It has no heater so I asked Andy (he is a mechanic who works at the little garage … Read more

Saturday 13th November 1999

Saturday 13th of November 1999 You are 11 months old today! I can’t believe it. To make it more amazing you are getting very good at walking. You have nearly walked all the way across the room (lengthways) a few times. You stand on your own, while drinking your bottle, or ‘reading’ your little books. … Read more

Saturday 30th October 1999

Saturday 30th October 1999 I was ringing around insurance companies on Monday, as Mark (your dad’s friend who lives in Manchester) had a car to sell: Ford Orion H reg, with alloy wheels, for £800. I phoned about 20 companies and the quotes ranged from £710 to £480 pounds. The fact that the car had … Read more