Thursday 10th February 2000

Thursday 10th February 2000 I went signing on today and nearly crashed…. It was raining a lot and I was driving along one of the side roads after I left the doll office. I had the right of way, but this woman just pulled out of the junction! I hit the brake and the car … Read more

Sunday 2nd January 2000

Sunday 2nd January 2000 This has to be written down: what we got up to on New Year’s Eve of the new Millennium. History for posterity. Christmas was relatively quiet (apart from a stupid argument with my mum). R. cooked a wonderful dinner; we had roast beef (I don’t like turkey). R. and I went … Read more

Tuesday 21st December 1999

Tuesday 21st December 1999 You have learned how to stand up on your own! Before this you had to support yourself to get up, but now you do it all by yourself, clumsy as it may be. It’s been extremely cold and we are just freezing to death in this house. I just hate going … Read more