Wednesday 14th of June 2014 – Rusty, the photogenic cat

Wednesday 14th of June 2014 – Rusty, the photogenic cat As you no longer let me constantly take photos of you since you hit puberty (understandable) I have had to find another muse… This dubious honour has fallen to Rusty, the best cat in the world ever, who’s a very compliant subject and is happy … Read more

Sunday 23rd of March 2014 – IMDB: Movies, Documentaries and TV series

Sunday 23rd of March 2014 – IMDB: Movies, Documentaries and TV series Been compiling these lists on IMDB for a few years now: All movies I watched, and loved and hated (check ratings for the best ones): Documentaries: TV Shows: Tonight we watched what is considered to be one of TV’s … Read more