Monday 7th of May 2002

Monday 7th May 2002 Hello again… On the day I heard about my meagre 3% pay rise I got upset, nearly walked out, just before the Easter break. Then I complained… For some reason I had been put on a band (they were calculating the pay rises according to which band an engineer would fit … Read more

Tuesday, 9th of April 2002

Tuesday 9th of April 2002 It’s the Queen Mum’s funeral today, but no day off. They have put a screen in Hades so we can watch it downstairs for an hour or so. I think I’ll go down and have a look, I still don’t have a lot of work to do. Guess I’ll try … Read more

Sunday 17th of March 2002 – War on Terror

Sunday 17th of March 2002 – War on Terror The Observer ‘We’re all dead Americans now’ T. Blair ‘Easy, Saladin’ The Pope ‘Yessssss!’ First reaction of many British people who subsequently claimed to be appalled ‘I have seen nothing to convince me that all these attacks were not the work of one lone American madman’ … Read more

Thursday, 14th of February 2002

Thursday 14th of February 2002 Emma has had a baby!!! On Saturday, at around 2 pm. She was going to go to hospital on Friday to be induced. Then they cancelled as there were no beds, and changed it to the next day. The next day the labour started of its own accord, and by … Read more