Thursday 18th of July 2002

Thursday 18th of July 2002 Tube strike today, it took me nearly two hours to get in, and Iā€™m leaving early to make sure I can pick you up (your dad has an interview where he works now to get a permanent job as a network manager). Had a bit of a debate with one … Read more

Tuesday 2nd of July 2002 – Amsterdam

Tuesday 2nd of July 2002 – Amsterdam So, we’ve been to Amsterdam and had a really good time, and Brazil is 5 times world cup champion! R. and I had a good time over there but I’m sure things will soon be back to normal, especially now I will lose my job for sure and … Read more

Monday 24th of June 2002

Monday 24th of June 2002 R. and I are going to Amsterdam tomorrow morning for 4 days, while Linda looks after you. Yesterday we had another argument (R. didn’t like the way I talked to him first thing in the morning, he never likes the way I talk to him). I said I can’t take … Read more

Thursday 20th of June 2002

Thursday 20th June 2002 More shocking news at Riversoft (never ends). Yesterday we were told that the company was being taken over by Micromuse (our ‘archenemy’, the company Phil T. had worked for before founding Riversoft). The financial situation is so bad, and the markets so negative, that apparently, that was the best course of … Read more

Thursday 13th of June 2002

Thursday 13th of June 2002 The world cup is in full swing and Brazil has just beaten Costa Rica 5×2. As you know I support Brazil! You keep asking me if the team in red has won whenever there’s a football match, because the first game you watched (Brazil x Turkey) had Turkey wearing red. … Read more